About Me

I am Deepak Bhatnagar. An Oracle DBA with 11 years of experience in Oracle database technologies e.g Troubleshooting database performance issues, Troubleshooting ORA-4031 (unable to allocate x bytes of shared memory) errors, RAC, Dataguard, ASM, Goldengate etc..

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Does DB CPU Statistic include CPU Time consumed by Oracle background processes?

Does DB CPU Statistic include CPU Time consumed by Oracle background processes? 

When analyzing AWR reports or when troubleshooting performance related issues, all DBAs care about DB CPU statistic. If the CPU utilization of server where the database is hosted is really high, we need to check DB CPU statistic over a period of time. 

We all know that in an Oracle database, there are some background processes e.g. DBWR, LGWR, CKPT, ARCn.... These processes also require some CPU resource to perform their operations. So, a question came to my mind that if DB CPU statistics also include CPU time consumed by Oracle background processes? If not, where CPU time consumed by Oracle background processes is recorded? 
To answer these question, I did a little test on my test database on my system. 

I checked the DB CPU statistic value for background processes DBW0 and LGWR and I found that this parameter values was always zero. 

SQL> alter session set nls_date_format='dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss';

Session altered.

SQL> select startup_time from v$instance;

08-12-2015 22:53:49

SQL> select current_timestamp from dual;

09-DEC-15 AM -05:00

SQL> select a.username,a.program,b.stat_name,b.value from v$session a, v$sess_time_model b
  2  where a.sid=b.sid and (a.program like '%DBW%' or a.program like '%LGW%' )
  3  and lower(b.stat_name) like '%db cpu%' order by a.program;

USERNAME                       PROGRAM                                          STAT_NAME                                     VALUE
------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ----------
                               oracle@edndr1p1.us.oracle.com (DBW0)             DB CPU                                            0
                               oracle@edndr1p1.us.oracle.com (LGWR)             DB CPU                                            0

Then I performed a checkpoint to ensure some activity by these processes and again checked statistic value for these processes. 

SQL> alter system checkpoint;

System altered.

SQL>  select a.username,a.program,b.stat_name,b.value from v$session a, v$sess_time_model b
  2   where a.sid=b.sid and (a.program like '%DBW%' or a.program like '%LGW%' )
  3   and lower(b.stat_name) like '%db cpu%' order by a.program;

USERNAME                       PROGRAM                                          STAT_NAME                                     VALUE
------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ----------
                               oracle@edndr1p1.us.oracle.com (DBW0)             DB CPU                                            0
                               oracle@edndr1p1.us.oracle.com (LGWR)             DB CPU                                            0

Now it is clear, that DB CPU statistic does not include CPU time consumed by Oracle background processes. But if DB CPU does not include CPU time for background processes, then where it is recorded? Somewhere it should be recorded. So, to answer this question, I performed same test again but this time, I checked all CPU related statistics for these background processes. Here is the result - 

SQL> select startup_time from v$instance;

08-12-2015 22:53:49

SQL> select current_timestamp from dual;

09-DEC-15 AM -05:00

SQL> select a.username,a.program,b.stat_name,b.value from v$session a, v$sess_time_model b
where a.sid=b.sid and (a.program like '%DBW%' or a.program like '%LGW%') and lower(b.stat_name) like '%cpu%' order by a.program;
USERNAME                       PROGRAM                                          STAT_NAME                                     VALUE
------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ----------
                               oracle@edndr1p1.us.oracle.com (DBW0)             DB CPU                                            0
                               oracle@edndr1p1.us.oracle.com (DBW0)             background cpu time                         6098073
                               oracle@edndr1p1.us.oracle.com (DBW0)             RMAN cpu time (backup/restore)                    0
                               oracle@edndr1p1.us.oracle.com (LGWR)             background cpu time                         9618538
                               oracle@edndr1p1.us.oracle.com (LGWR)             RMAN cpu time (backup/restore)                    0
                               oracle@edndr1p1.us.oracle.com (LGWR)             DB CPU                                            0

6 rows selected.

SQL> alter system checkpoint;

System altered.

SQL> select a.username,a.program,b.stat_name,b.value from v$session a, v$sess_time_model b
where a.sid=b.sid and (a.program like '%DBW%' or a.program like '%LGW%') and lower(b.stat_name) like '%cpu%' order by a.program;
USERNAME                       PROGRAM                                          STAT_NAME                                     VALUE
------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ----------
                               oracle@edndr1p1.us.oracle.com (DBW0)             DB CPU                                            0
                               oracle@edndr1p1.us.oracle.com (DBW0)             background cpu time                         6115070
                               oracle@edndr1p1.us.oracle.com (DBW0)             RMAN cpu time (backup/restore)                    0
                               oracle@edndr1p1.us.oracle.com (LGWR)             background cpu time                         9656532
                               oracle@edndr1p1.us.oracle.com (LGWR)             RMAN cpu time (backup/restore)                    0
                               oracle@edndr1p1.us.oracle.com (LGWR)             DB CPU                                            0

6 rows selected.

Again, I checked DB CPU statistic value for a user session (non-background process session). - 

SQL>  select a.username,a.program,b.stat_name,b.value from v$session a, v$sess_time_model b
  2  where a.sid=b.sid and a.sid=16 and b.stat_name='DB CPU';

USERNAME                       PROGRAM                                          STAT_NAME                                     VALUE
------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ----------
SYS                            sqlplus@edndr1p1.us.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)       DB CPU                                        72988

Did some activity by user session and check DB CPU value again for this session - 

SQL> conn / as sysdba
SQL> select distinct sid from v$mystat;


SQL> create table mytable as select * from dba_objects;

Table created.

SQL>  select a.username,a.program,b.stat_name,b.value from v$session a, v$sess_time_model b
  2   where a.sid=b.sid and a.sid=16 and b.stat_name='DB CPU';

USERNAME                       PROGRAM                                          STAT_NAME                                     VALUE
------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ----------
SYS                            sqlplus@edndr1p1.us.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)       DB CPU                                      9542548

The DB CPU statistic value for user session (foreground process) is non-zero and increasing over a period of time.

We can see above that we have another statistic named "background cpu time" which is increasing. This is where CPU time consumed by Oracle background processes is recorded. 

So, we can conclude that DB CPU statistic value only includes CPU time which is consumed by foreground processes. It doesn't include CPU time consumed by Oracle background processes. For Oracle background processes, it is recorded in "background cpu time" statistic.

If we need to calculate total CPU consumption by an Oracle database over a period of time, we should add both these statistics values.

Total CPU consumption by database = DB CPU + background CPU time